“Do you want to be well?”

- Jesus

Our Story

This community came into existence, as most do, because of a need. Countless individuals all over the world have experienced various forms of trauma and abuse resulting in toxic shame, which presents differently in every life. People often assign shame or similar labels to those who are underserved but the truth is shame exists in every walk of life, regardless of socioeconomic status, title, education, looks, marital status, or any other differentiator that could be listed here.

In addition to being called to shepherd and accompany women on their journeys to healing from trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the effects of toxic shame, we are also called to shine light on the extensive destruction caused by these disorders in the individuals themselves as well as the rippling effects extending to their families, their communities, and, subsequently, the world. This challenge is not only a marathon, it’s a battle. It requires more than a village. It needs an army. We thank you in advance for your service.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple.

We operate in the mission of Jesus Christ. We exist to bring good news to those who lack. We help to heal those with a broken heart. We introduce freedom to those in prison, whether physically or emotionally. We want everyone to experience grace intimately. We comfort and care for the needs of all who mourn. We exchange beauty for ashes. We bring them messages of joy in place of doom. We exchange a spirit of praise for a spirit of heaviness. Each beautiful Queen will be planted and renamed as a Terebinth tree of righteousness, bringing God glory and pleasure.

(Adapted from Isaiah 61:1-3, MSG/Hebrew translation)

Our Values and Our Promise


Everyone is accepted and cherished in this community. We operate in mutual values of respect and honor.


All who have been set free by Jesus Christ are truly free. As a community, we help each other to stay free and to never again be burdened with the bondage of slavery, literal or figurative.


In this community, you are in a safe space. Your experiences are handled gently here and we hold all members of this community to the same standard.


We were redeemed to live abundant lives. We were given authority over the power of the enemy by Jesus Christ. Together our community is emboldened to walk into our destinies with confidence.