Change your story.
Full Circle can help.
Deepen Your Faith.
You know God is calling you to more. HE is our ultimate source and He is drawing you into a closer relationship with Him. Connect with one of our Bible studies or prayer groups to prepare your heart to receive more of Him. .
Renew Your Mind.
Explore relevant topics, exciting authors, and healing teachings. Renew your mind by seeing life through the lens of God's Word and the instruction of the Holy Spirit, rather than through the lens of your experience, woundedness, trauma, or the opinions of others.
Care For Your Body.
Our bodies are the temples of the Lord. When we care for them, we honor Him. Enjoy natural products, healthy and delicious recipes, and other offerings that will enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Heal Your Spirit.
Mindfulness, meditation, and stillness may sound like new age practices but they were God’s idea first. Learn how you can connect these practices with Biblical wisdom to develop necessary spiritual disciplines that will strengthen your relationship with God and with yourself.
Enhance Your Life.
Strengthen your finances, find self-care suggestions, travel ideas, relationship wisdom - amplify your journey.
Strengthen Your Community.
Connect with other community members through their stories, join groups, find a meetup, join our Shameless Alliance.
Explore Full Circle Coaching.
Group and Individual Coaching available. Referrals to counselors and coaches.
Business Wellness.
Just as individuals struggle with shame and toxicity issues, businesses can also have trouble managing those same issues. Schedule a meeting with FCC Consulting to explore further.